tokyo hotel

有一次和我朋友一起去日本看望一個我們多年都沒有見面的老朋友,本來我們都已經在tokyo hotel裡面預訂了房間,可是我朋友非要我們把tokyo hotel的房間退掉,說是他們家裡面的房間特別的多我們完全是可以入住在他們家裡面,到時候我們幾個就有更多的時間可以好好的聚聚了,當時我還著如果退掉tokyo hotel估計也不會給我們退多少錢了,結果沒有想到人家tokyo hotel簡直是太人性話了,直接就全額給我們退款了,哎,雖然那次沒有在tokyo hotel裡面入住可是也因此對這個酒店的印象非常的好,後來只要是去日本就一定會選擇這個酒店的。



freight service

My mother recently went to freight service to work there, mother in freight service where a customer service, mother’s voice is very nice, you are also saying that my mother’s voice is very good to listen? My mother is going to a birthday in a few days, the company also booked a birthday cake for my mother, my mother is very happy, I also feel the freight service is very good, the treatment is also very good, I now have my classmates home freight service consultation, I will introduce my mother’s company to my classmate, my mother every day on time off work, night we cook, mother feel a day is very hard, my mom said to go to work not so tired?



大阪 住宿

我的一個朋友的孩子準備參加大阪的一所藝術學校的考試,因為要花費好幾天的時間他怕孩子在外邊一個人住,吃不好,於是決定陪孩子一起過來考試呢。我邀請他來我的家裡住,他說我家裡還是離學校有些遠,想讓孩子早上多睡一會兒,於是讓我給他介紹一個好一點的大阪 住宿,然後讓我把這個大阪 住宿先給他定下來,他過幾天就帶娃一起過來了,我跑了大半天的時間幫他把房子訂好了,等他過來的時候就把鑰匙交給他。我們商量著等孩子考試完了一起在大阪好好逛逛。

gundam uc

今天外面的空氣很好呢,我和我的媽媽一起出去逛去了,到了外面感覺外面好舒服啊,自己好像剛從籠子裏面出來一樣,非常的開心呢,媽媽讓我陪她一起去超市去。我正好想要gundam uc這個玩具了呢,到了超市裏面我和我的媽媽逛了好長的時間,媽媽也終於問我想要什麼了,我和我的媽媽說我想要一個gundam uc呢,這個gundam uc真的太酷了,我的媽媽說和我一起去玩具區去看看玩具呢,到了那邊人還是很多呢,gundam uc那邊圍了一群的小朋友呢,我也趕緊的跑過去了呢。

chiness lesson singapore

Allow his friend to accompany me to go shopping, friends say she will go to the chiness lesson # Singapore to study, listen to the friends about things I asked her how so study hard now, friends told me her company now competition is very big, so they want to learn more, listen to the friend speak what I would say yes, and the next time she didn’t go to the chiness lesson Singapore study when I let her go shopping with me, friends listen to what I said she has time, the end of this month, when the time comes to go shopping with me, say she want to buy several sets of clothes, listen to the friend of the things I said I’ll telephone contact.




有一次去香港出差的時候有一次陪一個同事去購買嬰兒用品的,因為自己來之前就聽別說這邊的嬰兒用品質量什麽的都是特別的好,因此我就想著剛好可以去看看這邊的嬰兒用品到底是有多好的,雖然在來之前也做了思想準備,可是也沒有想到這裡的嬰兒用品可以這麼的棒了,哎,因此回來的時候我還特意的去和同事一起購買的那家店里購買買了很多的嬰兒用品,哈哈,回來之後我的這些朋友們一個都說我購買的嬰兒用品簡直是質量太好 ,下次要是有機會他們也一定要去這裡面購買。

interior design company singapore

I graduated from high school, choose the conflict of professional time with my parents, they let me learn professional interior design, in order to facilitate their graduation when to open the interior design company Singapore to go to work, I have to design is very offensive, perhaps it is because from small to large in the design environment. So I want to get out of this environment. Later, I went to learn a foreign language, I want to teach after graduation, my parents said that after the interior design company Singapore who will manage it. I just can’t think of so much, later things later. My parents later agreed with me and agreed to learn what I liked.