
The courier company today to my house, and sent to a printer. I was wondering, I did not order the printer, ask only after her husband ordered. Because last time we went to the electrical line to stay in front of a home printer for a while, I did not expect my attentive husband even helped me order online one. Moment, I feel very moved when the signing could not help going to fall off the tears. After the printer to take home, I would take the initiative and gave her husband to play up the phone, thanks for everything he done for me.


There are low-end inkjet printers print, this printer is cheap, mainly document printer, the photos can not provide excellent print quality. And now there is a photo-printer, you can put different colors of paint, but the final picture based on your original color print. So in the future digital camera photos out of the picture would not have to wash a studio dedicated to their own home can also print photos.
