I want to be a professional to make me a financial planning now, now the business is getting better and better, but no way to finance on the one hand, I was in a complete mess, now, a busy day, I was dizzy, a few days ago when friends and chat about these things, friends give me that is advised me to have a financial planning, a financial company to help me to do a financial planning, people there are professionals, I will not trouble your books, I think this method is good, but I do not know what a good financial company, with no one to help I introduce a. Then let me do a financial planning.
巴厘岛 度假酒店
晚上都要准备睡觉的时候,朋友打来电话,说她现在在巴厘岛 度假酒店呢!我就问朋友怎么跑那么远的地方,而且巴厘岛 度假酒店里面的消费也不低,朋友就说是她哥哥在旅行社里面报一个团,一家里出来玩呢,旅行社就安排在巴厘岛 度假酒店住宿,我听朋友这么说,很是羡慕,朋友也知道我之前一直都想去巴厘岛 度假酒店里面看一下,就对我说她在那边拍好多照片到时候发给我,让我好好看一下,我谢过朋友之后,也告诉她希望她在那里玩的开心。回来的时候也带点那边的特产。
study in UK
The school at noon to a group of promoters, like study in UK propaganda things, see the classmates to study in UK this thing is very interested, my friend Xiao Li is also very interested, in the afternoon, dinner time Mary told me study in UK this thing, I have asked going to study in UK, I said not thought, Mary said she wanted to go to study in UK, I asked her such a big thing to home to discuss, not alone to decide, Xiaoli said she now are on the study in UK know, if good, I will give the family said, I am homesick which will support me study in UK.
台湾 细胞银行
以前真的是听过很多银行的名字,但是台湾 细胞银行我还是第一次听说,而且还是从我的一个朋友口中听说的这个台湾 细胞银行。那天我们坐一起聊天所以起关於银行的话题,他就说起了这个台湾 细胞银行,他对这个台湾 细胞银行狠是了解,讲的头头是道的,而且狠多知识都是我所不知道的,听到他讲的这些知识,我真的是有些惭愧,因为我是一点也不懂,虽然我不懂,但是能听出来,这个台湾 细胞银行是个狠不错的银行,我自己就想著,虽然我对这方面的知识不怎么的感兴趣,但是我觉得我以后还是要了解一些才是,这样也可以让自己多学习些知识。
This time to give his son to buy what kind of toys to take home, but a few days is the son’s birthday, also be to buy him a birthday gift. I think now he is playing it, or to buy him a toy, I went to the toy store to look, the shop owner told me that, recently the warrior gundam to buy the very fire, a lot of kids are like the warrior gundam , I looked at it, I think of the warrior gundam is very good, I once observed in the toy store, see a lot of children to buy this warrior gundam , I decided to give his son to buy a warrior gundam back, I think he will like this gift.
slack adjuster
Weekend go shopping when no opinion but also met my primary school classmates, which made me really too surprised, have not seen for a long time, now the difference does not point I have not recognize it. View primary school students, is really too excited, then we find a place, we talked for a while, did not expect the students now in slack adjuster, I really like that also do not understand, it is like a machine with, listen to the students talk about feelings in the slack adjuster business to do well.