



japan hotel

The first time in japan hotel stay, I could not bear to go to sleep, it can be said that japan hotel is very grade hotel, then you do not want to go live live the other hotels, but my friends say you one thing that can not do it, then you should also consider the cost of it, but my people are very strange, in terms of doing a lot of things I would not consider so much, I do not know why they would be the kind of person, in fact, if my boyfriend, I would not consider is the kind of person it takes, but I’m sure my own words reluctant to spend so much money, my friends say now how you become so wasted it, in fact, I think the better.



台北 鳳梨酥伴手禮

到臺北是一定要買台北 鳳梨酥伴手禮的,要不然真的是很吃虧,別的地方雖然也有什麽鳳梨酥伴手禮,但是千萬不要買,因為不正宗,還有可能很難吃,我之前就中過招。因為想要給家人帶禮物,看到有鳳梨酥伴手禮就買了,當時以為跟台北 鳳梨酥伴手禮差不多,結果發現真的很難吃。現在我都只買台北 鳳梨酥伴手禮了,好吃而且拿出去也很高檔的樣子,給朋友送台北 鳳梨酥伴手禮就是會比較有面子一些。不過除了面子,鳳梨酥也是超級好吃,絕對讓人吃了忘不了。

Taipei station hotel

A friend asked me to play with the Taipei station hotel, then I thought what fun here, because I did not come, so I also do not know, I was just during the break, so I will come, Finally, I also did not think the original is really the Taipei station hotel is also really special stick it, the place I was really too fond of, and the places where they can play really is it more special, especially these days in the Taipei station hotel I was especially happy to play, but also has to go before the place has always wanted to go play with, so this can also come out to play is really good to thank friends it, in particular to the Taipei station hotel, really special like it here.



food recipes

I feel that since we are inside this shop for food recipes like business suddenly up, before I thought it was the role of his heart a few days ago but nothing special I had a look over the accounts found not his heart but problems business is really a lot better, the day before I accidentally learned from the mouth of one of the guests of the reason, the original is inside our store food recipes looks very clear, read food recipes you know that something is the point What to do for people what to eat, something like this when they do not because they do not know what is not suitable for their tastes, plus a good price environment our shop is not particularly expensive and therefore since the first once he came after like patronize.



toilet accessories

馬上我們家裡要裝修了,我在想要是有好的toilet accessories的話,我肯定會去買,但是我現在還沒有發現有哪個商場在搞活動,他們要是有搞活動的話,那麼我肯定會去看看到底有什麼樣的東西最適合我們家裡,有合適的話,我肯定會買很多toilet accessories回來,很多人都給我說你在家裡的廁所還有衛生間的地方一定不要省錢,我覺得人家說的很對,我就不能在那方面省錢,不然的話還不知道之後會怎麼樣呢,我哥哥家裡就因為家裡的toilet accessories用的不怎麼好,現在家裡的廁所有這樣那樣的問題,我覺得你在裝修方面一定要想明白要怎麼樣去裝修你的房子才可以。