
我覺得去澳洲升學是一件很好的選擇,現在的人基本上都會這么選擇的因為現在的社會真是競爭越來越殘酷了啊,要是沒有一點自己的本事的話真是混不下去的啊!為了這件事我也是很郁悶的,我覺得要是我不去澳洲升學的話我肯定是會落后的,我的那些同學基本上都去海外升學了所以說我也是很想去的,我就把這個消息告訴了父母,希望他們也是能夠同意讓我去澳洲升學啊, 要是真的成功的話我真是會好好珍惜的,畢竟我們家里面也不是很富裕的而且去澳洲升學的話也是一筆不小的數目啊!

conference room

Yesterday I took a live, it is to decorate a company in the conference room, I had received the call, I also really a little strange, because I have never had to drain outside we can decorate the conference room of things here, though, the conference room to decorate for us is a little thing, but I’m sure there’s someone I know is right, but think no matter what, as long as it is somebody else can make us to decorate their company conference room, the people believe that we have the ability, so I should try to do is to them.


Now it seems that I also only can is a Loan to buy a house, if you don’t Loan to buy a house, I also have no other what political reform, is now the only requirement is to make my girlfriend home to buy a house, other what all can not, but we can not live without house, in fact, I think, their approach is right, so although I buy a house for me some stress, but for my own happiness, I also have no way to ah, but then again, right now many of the Loan to buy a house, and very convenient also, Loan and solve the difficulty for people like me, so I think sometimes it introduced to the bank Loan policy very well.







offshore tax planning

Ever since I have been in this offshore tax planning work, I liked it, I feel that offshore tax planning work for me to learn a lot of knowledge, and now I’m working on it, I think it should really hand, I am now of this offshore tax planning work is also really serious, because I think no matter what the situation, only that his intention to do, and that in order to have a good return, so since I do offshore tax planning work, I will have been very hard, not just because I like this job, but I think at work but also allows me to enrich myself, so I’m in the job it is like, I will be good efforts to bring this offshore tax planning work do better.

初生 嬰兒 用品

現在的人都很喜歡那種很有個性的東西,我是覺得我對初生 嬰兒 用品有興趣的話,是可以去專門賣初生 嬰兒 用品的店去看看的,但是我媽媽現在就是沒有時間陪我去,所以說我一個孕婦一個人去買初生 嬰兒 用品的話,我家裡的人都不怎麼放心,我沒有懷孕的時候,我是很羡慕那些要做媽媽的人的,但是我要做了之後,我還是很煩躁的,我知道這樣是不行的,但是我就是控制不住自己,我覺得這樣的自己真的是很矛盾的也不怎麼好其實。

study in UK

Everyone has a lot in lifetime dream when I was little I dreamed to go to study in UK, when I was little academic performance is very good, a lot of people say I have the opportunity to study in UK , but later there is some thing my family, so I would not have said the last to go study in UK. While I think of it now is a bit unfortunate, but I think I did not go is very right choice, because I can not throwing things at home no matter, I am a person to study abroad, so is very filial thing, I is to draw up such a thing.

台湾 凤梨酥

我去台北之后,我朋友都说他们喜欢吃台湾 凤梨酥,我也不知道是我接触的朋友有限还是怎么回事,他们都很喜欢吃台湾 凤梨酥,我自己在想是不是我自己的交友太有限的原因,后来我才知道原来是有很多人都喜欢吃台湾 凤梨酥的,其实我自己也是很喜欢吃的,但是现在我自己也不知道怎么搞得,就是不喜欢吃了,可能是我自己太多疑了吧,我是觉得只要你觉得好的话,就去做就可以了,也不要想那么多了,但是我发现有的人就是那么想。