study in UK

I’ve always wanted to study in UK, but I do not know I do not have the opportunity to, ah, my English has always been good, but my other grades are just generally, with regard to the conditions of my family terms, if at their own expense to send me to study in UK, I think this is a burden on parents is concerned, in that case, my heart will be very uncomfortable, but in order to learn about the name, then go to study in UK, I will have to study hard from now on all the subjects properly, so, I probably will not have this opportunity, I think for my own future, but also reduce the burden on parents to make, so I’m trying to be good learning, we must fight to the opportunity to study in UK, for their own dreams and good fight.

training centre

Always looking for a good training centre to learn skills, but have seen several culinary training centre, feeling is not particularly good, I now have a relatively better skills, like those dedicated to Professor housewife cooking department training centre touches a lot of, is no decent chef’s training centre, finally my friend helped me find an old retired chef, and he introduced me to a training centre, said that if you are interested, then you can go to his said that the training centre to take a look, I think anyway, have already visited so many places, it is better to go take a look.

北京 豪华酒店

还是让朋友住在北京 豪华酒店里面吧,我觉得朋友好不容易来一次北京,怎么能让他住的不好呢?而且那样的话,我也会心里过意不去的,所以我还是提前在北京 豪华酒店预订房间吧,其实我的这个朋友和我的关系是很好的,这次他是专门到北京来看我,而且我们两个已经是有好几年没有见了,之前他也没有来过北京,这次来北京之后,我就想带着他到北京的各个景点去旅游一下,然后到了晚上就让他住在这个北京 豪华酒店里面看看夜景,我现在是这样想的,但计划赶不上变化,所有的等朋友来了之后再说吧。









conference room

Why come to this conference room it will only recognize our company is really not such a big place, usually when a meeting if the company will be in the second floor inside the hall, there is really hardly a conference room, this time to invite so many business partners to attend the meeting, also in the hall will be justified, so our company will find here a specialized rental conference room, where the largest conference room can accommodate more than a hundred it, afraid of meeting places too narrow to get away, and here, then do not worry about it. And there are also relatively small conference room, if you want to open a small few people will also be here.

